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Nowadays, it’s easy being green and these earth-friendly design materials prove it. The next time you’re out shopping for furniture and accessories for your home, keep an eye open for items made of these sustainable resources.

Organic cotton. Standard cotton is one of the most chemically treated materials in modern agriculture. Meanwhile, organic cotton is GMO-free and produced without the use of chemicals. Look for items such as drapes, towels, bedding, couches and more in this eco-friendly material.

Wood. Not all woods are considered safe for the environment. However, reclaimed wood, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified wood and teak are some of the most earth conscious furniture, flooring and decking materials.

Felt. The oldest fabric known to mankind, felt is made by matting, condensing and pressing fibers together. The resulting product can be either rough or soft and can be used to make everything from baskets to pillows to rugs to coasters.